I reccommended MARCELO IN THE REAL WORLD a few months back and so I was fascinated by the lecture given below by Dr. Temple Grandin who, like Marcelo, is a person with high-functioning autism. If you loved Marcelo this book and this woman, might be of interest to you.
THE WAY I SEE IT: A PERSONAL LOOK AT ASPERGER’S AND AUTISM by Dr. Temple Grandin ( . Dr. Grandin is whip smart and a kick. Doctor of Animal Science and professor at Colorado State University and a consultant to the livestock industry in animal behavior. Grandin is known for her work in autism advocacy and is the inventor of the hug machine a device she created to calm hypersensitive persons.
She had me riveted on her explanation---of all things, on how a bull will show a lateral threat by standing sideways and giving you his profile to show how big he is, only many people mistake this as docile because he isn’t looking straight at you directly. “When he gets that way, look out.” Good to know.
That was just one of her anecdotes but she delivers them in such deadpan humor it’s hilarious. She is one of the most practical people I’ve ever heard give a lecture. I was amazed by her memory, in the movie they show how her photographic memory works. In keeping with this theme of high-functioning autistics having brilliant minds, she was discussing different autism traits of “Aspies” (Aspergers). Some are math related, some are word, some focus on art and she said, “Heck half of Silicon Valley is probably Asperger’s.” She advocates finding what interests autistic children early on and encouraging their strengths. She claimed she wouldn’t know where she’d be now if her mother hadn’t encouraged her art. In the movie of her life, TEMPLE GRANDIN on HBO, I loved Julia Ormond’s (who played Temple’s mother), response to a doctor talking down to her about her daughter’s condition. When he asks if her father is available, because he doubts if Ormond can follow him Ormond says, something like, “It’s okay doctor. I graduated from Harvard, try me.”
A NORTHERN LIGHT by Jennifer Donnelly – Just cracked open but I’m excited to read. It’s a take on the 1906 true story that inspired Theodore Dreiser’s novel AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY. Also the movie with Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor and Shelley Winters, A PLACE IN THE SUN, which is heart breaking and a must see. Only I suggest having a comedy at hand afterwards because the story is so well done, a lingering sadness will pervade you. I’ll let you know what I think when I’m done, but I mean, the book’s already won a Printz Award so, I’m guessing I’ll love it. Pick it up and read along with me. Love to hear your comments.
Also picked up MAGIC UNDERGLASS by Jaclyn Dolamore.
If you can find the HBO special TEMPLE GRANDIN starring Clair Danes and Julia Ormond, I highly recommend, Temple’s story is powerful and heroic. Her mother’s determination that she go out into the world is inspiring. Claire Danes performance is jaw dropping. Where did that come from. I attended Grandin’s lecture this month and Danes really nailed Grandin’s exhuberance and intelligence.
I was all ready to see KICKASS, about teens tired of getting bullied who become superheroes, by director Quentin Tarantino and (supposedly) violent as heck, but my husband went without me. We were supposed to go together but I was home making revisions on this next project and he didn’t tell me until the end of the night. Yeah, thanks babe. So, unfortunately I cannot review this movie. (I hope you feel guilty).
Michael Jordan on IMAX. It’s about basketball and a whole lot more. It’s about work ethic and what it takes to be the best. My husband always puts it on when I start a book project. It gets me pumped. It’s like my Rocky Theme song. One of my most favorite scenes is when Kerr, asks if Michael gets to play opening night after his absence from the game to follow his baseball career. Scotty Pippin says, “Generally speaking if you have your own statue outside of the arena, you don’t come off the bench.”
MADMEN – Yes, I know, old news but I just rented the first season. How smart IS this movie? If you want to comment you can only bring up subjects right after the one guy gets his short story published. Such a terrific sociological study. One of my sociology teachers a year back was discussing power struggles with me and she loves the show and she, Jessica pointed out how hilarious it is that the women all have a problem with the divorcee, when their lives are equally hazardous. Such great storytelling. Pick it up if you’re late in the game like me.
RAN – by Kurosawa. King Lear Kurosawa style: elegant, violent, riveting.
RASHOMON by Kurosawa. Directed by the amazing Akira Kurosawa. A 1950 Japanese Crime Mystery. The crime is relived through different perspectives, each person telling a slightly different story. Who is telling the truth?
BURGERS: Stellina’s in Point Reyes – After the Grandin lecture we went to Stellina’s. Their mussels, sausage stew is out of this world.
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