Set in the Post Revolutionary Iran of 1981, Sofer gives us a gripping, elegant tale, of a Jewish gem trader Isaac Amin who is arrested one day and accused of being a Zionist spy. From four enlightening perspectives: Isaac’s, his daughter Shirin, his son Parviz and his wife, Farnaz a tale of hope, betrayal, possible friendship and the legacy of Post Revolutionary Iran, unfolds.
Although the story sounds bleak in synopsis, I found Sofer had magic in her touch. From the very first page, I could not put it down. At every turn I felt hope and saw beauty in the evocative memories of each character she presented. Also fascinating are the portrayals of how the different classes were affected by the revolution. The jealousies, the misdirected, sometimes absurd, anger and the history, made for an enchanting tale.
I must confess that the beautiful purple hardcover initially caught my eye and I’m so glad that it did. I look forward to her next book. It’s now also available in paperback: ttp://
TINKERS – Paul Harding, Pulitzer Prize
I haven’t read this book yet, but I went to see the author speak. I’m sharing his story for those of you out there receiving rejections. This guy had 25 rejections!!!! And then he went to meet a friend, a poet (if I remember correctly), who suggested he send it to ‘his’ editor, who wasn’t interested, but suggested Harding send it to the Bellevue Literary Press I hope I have the whole story right but any errors, completely mine. I wasn’t taking notes, I just realized after the fact that I wanted to write about it. Powell’s Books describes it as, “a beautifully written meditation on life, death, the passage of time and man’s eternal attempt to harness it.”
Bellevue Press is a non-profit publishing house the size of a small office, and works out of, get this----the NYU Medical School. The editor/publisher read TINKERS, called Harding, and said, “I want to publish this”. Many hand sales later from the Book Passage, Corte Madera, AND other independents and voila, PULITZER PRIZE. Can you spell Hot-dang?! The story has its roots in Harding’s grandfather’s life, who was an Epileptic. So---for those of you receiving rejections...there you go. Here’s an interview of him with Powell’s Books before the book was available:
YA (Young Adult)
MOCKINGJAY by Suzanne Collins (Waiting-Can’t wait, till the release date!)
LINGER by Maggie Stiefvater is out and receiving great reviews. I just saw it at the bookstore and had to stop myself from buying until I finish the other four books I’m reading!
WINTER’S BONE (Best Picture Winner at the Sundance Film Festival) – Based on the novel by Daniel Woodrell and Directed by Debra Granik, (Super)-Starring Jennifer Lawrence, John Hawkes & Garret Dillahunt. A sparse, gritty, unflinching, thriller set in the Ozark back country. Seventeen year old Ree Dolly is left in charge of her mentally ill mother and younger siblings. While trying to make ends meet she must find her missing father and bring him back for his court appearance. The task proves almost Herculean. Jennifer Lawrence is captivating, and deserves and Oscar, but don’t just listen to me. Go see the movie. You don’t exactly leave the movie with a spring in your step but with awe at the storytelling and the emotional ride and fierce heart of the character, Ree. Here are some reviews on the official website:
CYRUS – Directed by Jay & Mark Duplass. Starring Jonah Hill, John C. Reilly, Katherine Keener and Marisa Tomei. Poignant, funny, at times uncomfortably so. Cyrus pushes the envelope of mother-son codependence. Solid terrific acting. Are the new kids out acting the pros? I’m thinking Jonah Hill may be up for an Oscar after this? Known for his comedy in KNOCKED UP and SUPERBAD, Hill puts in an amazingly restrained, but still funny, sometimes, uncomfortably honest, performance. I didn’t know this guy had it in him. Ditto goes for John C. Reilly, who I also forget is a serious actor. After his string of hilarious Will Ferrell slapsticks I’d forgotten his dramatic performances in MAGNOLIA, CHICAGO, THE HOURS, & THE GOOD GIRL (to name a few). Marisa Tomei is always amazing and she puts in another nuanced, how does she do that---performance. She is totally believable as the mom who takes being her child’s best friend to the extreme. At times it feels as if it will tip over into comedy but keeps to its restrained edgy feel. Dramedy?
INCEPTION – Directed by Christopher Nolan (of Memento fame)
THE KID’S ARE ALL RIGHT – Starring Mark Ruffalo, Annete Benning, Julianne Moore
RUMORED: GREEN HORNET. I heard a rumor they were going to remake the Green Hornet and since there are already pictures up I can only say, WHAT? NO ONE can take Bruce Lee’s place as Cato. C’mon! NO ONE. Sorry. Not happening.
HUMPHRYS SLOCOMBE ¬– Okay, yes. I know....I’ve mentioned this before but one evening my friend M, suggested we make a pit stop after dinner, and I know it sounds crazy, but this one flavor---McEvoy Olive oil ice cream, is just INSANELY good. Yeah, I know sounds kooky. But there it is. Out of this world good. Um, so I wasn’t brave enough to try the Prosciutto Ice Cream:
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